Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He turns 40!!

Okay, today has been even more exhausting! My husband is 40 years old! I can't believe it!! I don't know where all the time has gone! I do know I am thankful for him and so GLAD that God blessed me with Roger in my life. I just could not imagine life without him and my boys. So, I rejoice in knowing that life goes on after 40. :) Roger is so laid back. No excitement. It kinda stinks sometimes! Anyway, we decorated the whole choir room with lovely "Over the Hill" signs and left him a big cake and some balloons. NEVER let a 6 yr old in on a secret... no matter what you tell them.... ELIJAH cannot keep a secret. He busted me at the dinner table before church... no, not on the way but at the house! UGH... Roger just died laughing, what could I say. UGH... Oh well... it's the thought that counts!! Here are a couple of pics from Roger's eventful day. We're going to go out and celebrate Friday night with free tickets to "Fireproof" and dinner somewhere. Just the two of us, relaxing and NO KIDS! :)


Knittin Kudzu said...

You know the old adage states that if you want a secret known to the world all you have to do is tell a child! I think it is so funny that Elijah spilled the beans!!! I wish I could've seen your face. I hope Roger enjoyed the day! He is a blessed man! Love, Sandy

The Lundy 5 said...

too funny! our kids are all spoilers like that, drives me nuts! :)